Nereid’s Varsity program is for both High School Boys and Girls. This program is Nereid’s most competitive program. Athletes on Varsity will compete at local and national regattas.
Spring Season: March 3rd – May 16th
Practice Schedule:
Monday – Friday: 3:45 pm – 6 pm
Saturday: 10 am – 1 pm
Spring Racing Schedule:
March 30th: Whitemarsh/Cooper Junior Rowing Scrimmage (Camden NJ)
April 5th: Port Rowing/Connecticut Boat Club Scrimmage (Home)
April 12th – 13th: Mercer Lake Sprints (West Windsor NJ)
April 27th: Cooper Cup (Camden NJ)
May 10th – 11th: USRowing Mid-Atlantic Rowing Championships (West Windsor NJ)
June 12th – 15th: USRowing Youth National Championships (Sarasota FL)
Cost: $2,050
In order to be placed on Varsity, the athlete must have completed a Novice season, either with Nereid or another team. The athlete must be evaluated by the Nereid coaches to ensure they are prepared for Varsity athletics. This can be done during pre-season in August, or if an athlete is joining from another team, during a two week period during the Winter.
Coaches are evaluating an athletes work ethic, attitude and enthusiasm. Once the tryout period is completed, coaches will inform the athletes who have earned a spot on the Varsity Team!
If an athlete completes tryouts and is not ready for Varsity athletics they will be invited to join the Middle School or Recreational team.
Once on the Varsity Team, athletes will be expected to attend all practices. Athletes are allowed three excused absences and must communicate with the Head Coach prior to the absence. Athletes that miss practice without an excuse, or go over the allowed three absences, put themselves at risk of not being allowed to compete at races. This policy does not apply to recruiting visits for athletes in the Fall of their Senior year. Time management and communication are essential to being a successful student athlete!
Athletes on Varsity will be learning skills like discipline, time management, worth ethic and an enthusiasm for the sport of rowing. These skills will help them throughout their lives!
You can register for this using the online checkout tool below.
Please contact our Head Coach ( with any questions about the program or your eligibility!